- Impact of the mitochondrial immune checkpoint on the immunogenicity of radiation: Opportunity for innovation (2024). SEOR. Symposium «Hacia un horizonte + integrador, interactivo y inteligente» . Oviedo (Spain).
- Emerging effect of radiation therapy on lymphocytes (2024). WCMC-Gustave Roussy. 8th International Conference on Immunotherapy Radiotherapy Combinations (ImmunoRad8). New York (USA).
- Mitochondria at the hub of cell death and immunity in irradiated cancer cells (2024). Harnessing Cell Death Mechanisms in Health and Disease. Gordon Research Conference. Newry (USA).
- Immunogenic cell death driven by radiotherapy – Mechanisms and implications (2024). ICDS. 29th International Cell Death Society Meeting. Ghent (Belgium).
- Immunogenic cell death driven by radiotherapy – Mechanisms and implications (2024). Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane. 17th Tumor Immunology Meets Oncology (TIMO) Meeting. Brandenburg (Germany).
- Autophagy and anticancer immune responses driven by radiotherapy (2024). ASTRO. 66th ASTRO Annual Meeting. Washington (USA).
- A novel, radiotherapy actionable immunological mechanism of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+ breast cancer (2024). PIVAC. 23rd International Conference on Progress in Vaccination Against Cancer (PIVAC-24). Prague (Czech Republic).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+ breast cancer (2023). SEI, 44º Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Inmunología. Bilbao (Spain). Keynote
- Radiotherapy as a combinatorial partner for immunotherapy and targeted therapy in breast cancer (2023). GETICA, IX Foro de Inmunología Translacional y Inmunoterapia del Cancer. Madrid (Spain). Keynote
- Radiotherapy as a combinatorial partner for targeted therapy in HR+ breast cancer (2023). SEOR, 2023 SEOR Symposium «3C: Clarividencia, Ciencia, Controversia» . Madrid (Spain). Keynote
- Cellular mechanisms underlying the immunogenicity of RT in clinically relevant oncological settings (2023). ECDO-EATI, 1st Annual ECDO-EATI Joint Conference on Cell Death. Paris (France).
- Harnessing radiotherapy to unlock the full potential of cancer immunotherapy (2023). Martin Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg, 17th Tumor Immunology Meets Oncology (TIMO) Meeting. Halle (Germany).
- Immunogenic cell death driven by radiotherapy – Mechanisms and implications (2023). WCMC-Gustave Roussy, 7th International Conference on Immunotherapy Radiotherapy Combinations (ImmunoRad7). Paris (France).
- Novel strategies to unleash anticancer immunity (2023). Society for the Immunotherapy of Cancer, 38th Annual SITC Meeting . San Diego (USA).
- Harnessing radiation therapy to improve the efficacy of cancer (immuno)therapy (2022). GETICA, VIII Foro de Inmunologia Translacional y Inmunoterapia del Cancer. Barcelona (Spain). Keynote
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2022). Hellenic Society of Immuno-Oncology, 8th Symposium on Advances in Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy. Athens (Greece). Keynote
- IL17-producing γδ T cells promote resistance to CDK46 inhibitors in HR+HER2- breast cancer (2022). SITC, 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer. Boston (USA).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2022). Martin Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg, 16th Tumor Immunology Meets Oncology (TIMO) Meeting. Halle (Germany).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2022). CIMA, Cancer immunotherapy mechanisms in action – International Seminar. Pamplona (Spain).
- Mitochondrial apoptosis regulates immune responses driven by radiation therapy (2022). Gordon Research Conference, Cell Death-Associated Inflammation in Disease. Les Diablerets (Switzerland).
- Apoptotic caspases – Key regulators of the interaction between radiotherapy and anticancer immunity (2021). European Society for RadioTherapy and Oncology, 40th Annual Meeting of the European Society for RadioTherapy and Oncology. (Virtual).
- Apoptotic caspases – Key regulators of the interaction between radiotherapy and anticancer immunity (2021). SEOR, First Virtual Congress of the Spanish Societry for Radiation Oncology (Virtual).
- Harnessing radiation therapy to boost the efficacy of cancer (immuno)therapy (2021). WCMC-Gustave Roussy, 5th International Conference on Immunotherapy Radiotherapy Combinations (ImmunoRad5). Paris (France).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2021). Creative Educational Concepts and SITC, 7th Annual Immuno-Oncology Young Investigators’ Forum. Houston (USA).
- Low-dose RT as a tool to boost the efficacy of CAR T cell therapy (2021). Forbeck Foundation, Forbeck Forum on Immunotherapies and Mechanisms of Immune Escape. Denver (USA).
- Mitochondrial control of anticancer immune responses driven by radiation (2021). EATI, The Paris Immuno-Oncology 2021 Conference. (Virtual).
- Mitochondrial DNA in innate immune signaling driven by radiation therapy (2021). Associazione Biologia Cellulare e Differenziamento (ABCD), Biennial Congress of the Italian Society of Cell Biology. (Virtual).
- MPA/DMBA-driven mammary carcinomas as a model of luminal B breast cancer (2021). Hanson Wade, 5th PREDiCT Tumor Models Summit. (Virtual).
- Radiotherapy as a tool to boost immunostimulation by CDK4/6 inhibitors in ER+ breast cancer (2021). GETICA, VII Foro de Inmunologia Translacional y Inmunoterapia del Cancer. (Virtual)
- Immunosurveillance of HR+ breast cancer – Prophylactic and therapeutic effects of nicotinamide (2020). GETICA, VI Foro de Inmunologia Translacional y Inmunoterapia del Cancer. (Virtual). Keynote
- Autophagy and immunologic cell death as they relate to anticancer therapies (2020). RRS, NCI and NASA, Particle Radiobiology in Space and Oncology Symposia. Bethesda (USA). Cancelled*.
- mtDNA drives abscopal responses to RT that are inhibited by autophagy and caspases (2020). WCMC-Gustave Roussy, 5th International Conference on Immunotherapy Radiotherapy Combinations (ImmunoRad5). Paris (France). Cancelled*.
- NK cells beat T cells at breast cancer control (2019). Weizmann Institute, NK cells in Cancer: The next Breakthrough? Conference. Tel Aviv (Israel). Keynote
- Autophagy inhibition as a partner strategy to inflame cold tumors (2019). GETICA, V Foro de Inmunologia Translacional y Inmunoterapia del Cancer. Madrid (Spain).
- Modulating autophagy as an example of precision cancer (immuno)therapy (2019). Trinity Translational Medicine Institute- St. James’s Hospital, 11th International Cancer Conference. Dublin (Ireland).
- Modulating autophagy as an example of precision cancer (immuno)therapy (2019). Universidade Federal de São Paulo , Oncology Symposium . Sao Paulo (Brazil).
- mtDNA drives abscopal responses to RT that are inhibited by autophagy (2019). SfRBM, 25th SfRBM Annual Conference. Las Vegas (USA).
- mtDNA drives abscopal responses to RT that are inhibited by autophagy (2019). CRI-CIMT-EATI-AACR, 5th International Cancer Immunotherapy Conference (CICON19). Paris (France).
- Role of adaptive stress responses in the therapeutic activity of ECP (2019). ASFA, ASFA 2019 Annual Meeting. Portland (USA).
- Autophagy in anticancer immunity (2018). AACR, 109th AACR Annual Meeting. Chicago (USA).
- Autophagy in cancer (immuno)therapy (2018). WCMC-Gustave Roussy, 3rd International Conference on Immunotherapy Radiotherapy Combinations (ImmunoRad3). Paris (France).
- Autophagy modulation for precision cancer immunotherapy (2018). Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Desafio Oncologico 9: Mas alla del genoma Meeting. Valencia (Spain).
- Autophagy, danger, death and immunity in anticancer therapy (2018). ICDS, 25th International Cell Death Society Meeting. Seoul (South Korea).
- Immunogenic cell death in radiation therapy and immunotherapy (2018). ESTRO, 37th European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology Meeting. Barcelona (Spain).
- Should radiation therapy be repurposed as an in situ vaccination in cancer therapy? (2018). GETICA, IV Foro de Inmunologia Translacional y Inmunoterapia del Cancer. Madrid (Spain).
- Inside-Out – A story of intracellular stress and organismal homeostasis (2017). Cambridge Healthtech Institute, World Preclinical Congress. Boston (USA). Keynote
- ATP at the interface between cellular bioenergetics and organismal homeostasis (2017). Nature Medicine-Helmholtz Diabetes Center, 5th Helmholtz-Nature Medicine Diabetes Conference. Munich (Germany).
- Autophagy and radiation (2017). WCMC-Gustave Roussy, 2nd International Conference on Immunotherapy Radiotherapy Combinations (ImmunoRad2). New York (USA).
- Cell death – Basic concepts and common misconception (2017). RRS, 63rd Annual Meeting of the Radiation Reserch Society. Cancun (Mexico).
- Immunogenic cell death – A story of intracellular stress and organismal homeostasis (2017). GETICA, III Foro de Inmunologia Translacional y Inmunoterapia del Cancer. Sevilla (Spain).
- Inside-Out – A story of intracellular stress and organismal homeostasis (2017). International Society of Cancer Metabolism, Targeting the Metabolic Deregulation of Cancer: A Novel Pharmacological Approach Conference. Padova (Italy).
- Stress, death and immunity in cancer chemotherapy (2017). Johns Hopkins University, Immunometabolic Adjuvants for Cancer Therapy Conference. Baltimore (USA).
- Stress, death and immunity in cancer chemotherapy (2016). SEI, 39º Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Inmunología. Alicante (Spain). Keynote
- Stress, death, immunity and cancer therapy (2016). Cambridge Healthtech Institute, World Preclinical Congress Europe. Lisbon (Portugal). Keynote
- Immunogenic cell death – The Archimedean lever (2016). GETICA, II Foro de Inmunologia Translacional y Inmunoterapia del Cancer. Sevilla (Spain).
- Inside-Out – A story of intracellular stress and organismal homeostasis (2016). IUIS-ALAI-SMI, First International IUIS-ALAI-SMI Oncoimmunology Mexico Course. San Miguel de Allende (Mexico).
- Mitochondrial control of stress responses and danger signalling (2016). FISV, XIV Congress of the Italian Federation of Life Sciences (FISV). Rome (Italy).
- Stress, death, immunity and cancer therapy (2016). University of Siena-AOC Siena, 3rd International Cancer Vaccine Meeting. Siena (Italy).
- Stress, death, immunity and radiation therapy (2016). AACR, 107th AACR Annual Meeting. New Orleans (USA).
- Immunogenic cell death in anti-cancer therapy (2015). Martin Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg, 11th Tumor Immunology Meets Oncology (TIMO) Meeting. Halle (Germany).
- Mitochondria, p53 and cancer (2011). Europa Organisation, Euro Cancer 2011. Paris (France).
- Methods for the detection of cell death (2010). ECDO, 18th Euroconference on Apoptosis. Ghent (Belgium).
- miRNA-dependent regulation of apoptosis in NSCLC cells (2010). ERI-ICP, 1st Conference of the European Research Institute for Integrated Cellular Pathology. Paris (France).
Triple C – A systems biology study of apoptosis (2009). EPITRON Consortium, 2nd EPITRON Brainstorming meeting. Budva (Montenegro).
*Due to Covid19
- Mitochondria at the hub of cell death and immunity in irradiated cancer cells (2024). Oncotrans. 7th Interregional Discussion of the Grand-Est Network for Translational Oncology. (Virtual). Keynote.
- Immunosuppressive mechanisms elicited by radiation therapy (2024). NCI-SITC-AAI. Combining Immunotherapy with Radiotherapy: Opportunities and Challenges for Clinical Translation. Bethesda (USA).
- Immunogenic cell death driven by radiotherapy – Mechanisms and implications (2024). Cima. Exploring New Frontiers: International Radiobiology Meeting. Pamplona (Spain).
- A novel, radiotherapy actionable immunological mechanism of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+ breast cancer (2024). VIB Inflammation Research Center. XRAD SmART+ Inauguration Workshop. Ghent (Belgium).
- A novel, radiotherapy actionable immunological mechanism of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+ breast cancer (2024). ISS Aragón. V Simposio de Inmunoterapia del Cáncer. Zaragoza (Spain). Keynote.
A novel, radiotherapy actionable immunological mechanism of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+ breast cancer (2023). University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 2023 Annual SPaT T32 Symposium. Little Rock (USA). Keynote
Clinically viable tumor-directed strategies to enable superior immunostimulation in cold neoplasms (2023). New York Academy of Sciences, 2023 Frontiers in Cancer Immunotherapy Symposium. New York (USA).
Clinically viable tumor-directed strategies to enable superior immunostimulation in cold neoplasms (2023). Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, 6th International GRK Symposium. Erlangen (Germany).
Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2023). Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane, 1st Tumor Immunology Meets Infectious Diseases (TIMID) Meeting. Brandenburg (Germany).
Radiotherapy as a combinatorial partner for immunotherapy and targeted therapy (2023). Forbeck Foundation, Forbeck Forum on Radiotherapy Immunotherapy Combinations. Castello (Italy).
Immunogenic cell death in cancer (2023). Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Bridging Immunity to Cancer: The Contribution of The Tumor Microenvironment and Metabolism. (Virtual).
Mitochondrial apoptosis in the immunogenicity of radiation therapy (2022). GETICA-ALATRO, Radioterapia e Inmunoterapia: Nuevos avances y puntos de encuentro. (Virtual).
Cellular senescence and immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2022). EMBO, Phagocytosis of dying cells: Molecules, mechanisms, and therapeutic implications. Ghent (Belgium).
Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2022). Fox Chase Cancer Center, 12th Annual Fox Chase Cancer Center Barry S. Blumberg Inflammation Symposium. Philadelphia (USA).
Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2022). SITC, SITC 2022 Tumor Microenvironment Workshop. San Diego (USA).
Cancer immunotherapy – Exploring the immune system for the treatment of cancer (2021). PPF, Cancer control in the Czech Republic. Prague (Czech Republic).
Mitochondrial control of anticancer immune responses driven by radiation (2021). Inzen, Thanokine Biology Symposium. (Virtual).
Autophagy modulation as an example of precision cancer (immuno)therapy (2020). Research Institute I3Bs, 3rd Workshop on Hallmarks in cancer and the development of diagnostic tools. Porto (Portugal). Keynote/Cancelled*
Immunoprophylactic and immunotherapeutic control of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer (2020). EFIS, Tumor immune escape and resistance (TIMER) Workshop. Jerusalem (Israel). Cancelled*
Immunoprophylactic and immunotherapeutic control of HR+ breast cancer by nicotinamide (2020). University of New Mexico, Autophagy, inflammation and metabolism (AIM) e-symposium. (Virtual).
mtDNA drives abscopal responses to RT that are inhibited by autophagy and caspases (2020). University of Colorado, University of Colorado Joint Cancer Biology and Lung Head and Neck T32 Postdoctoral Symposium. Aurora (USA). Cancelled*
mtDNA drives abscopal responses to RT that are inhibited by autophagy and caspases (2020). CIMA, Cell death and cancer immunotherapy. Pamplona (Spain). Cancelled*
Autophagy modulation as a strategy to overcome (immuno)therapy resistance (2019). Puerta de Hierro Hospital, X Curso Avances en el Abordaje Multidisciplinar del Cáncer de Pulmón. Madrid (Spain).
Autophagy modulation as a strategy to overcome (immuno)therapy resistance (2019). University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, Closing Ceremony of the Master in Immuno-Oncology 2017-2018. Rome (Italy). Keynote
Autophagy modulation as an example of precision cancer (immuno)therapy (2019). Fondazione per la Medicina Personalizzata, Implementing Precision Medicine in Cancer Care 2019. Rome (Italy).
Autophagy modulation for precision cancer immunotherapy (2019). Gadea for Science Foundation, The Cancer Therapy of the Future: Precision Medicine versus Immunotherapy Symposium. Madrid (Spain).
Immunosurveillance of HR+ breast cancer – Prophylactic and therapeutic effects of nicotinamide (2019). SCLS-CBIS, Frontiers of Basic and Clinical Research on Immune-metabolism and Immunotherapy. Shanghai (China).
Modulating autophagy as an example of precision cancer (immuno)therapy (2019). SCLS-CBIS, Frontiers of Basic and Clinical Research on Immune-metabolism and Immunotherapy. Chang-Sha (China).
NK cells beat T cells at breast cancer control (2019). EFIS, Tumor immune escape and resistance (TIMER) Workshop. Halle (Germany).
Autophagy in cancer (immuno)therapy (2018). STREAM, Adoptive Immunotherapy for Cancer Workshop. Warsaw (Poland).
Autophagy modulation for cancer immunotherapy (2018). Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, 3º Titulo Experto en Inmunologia e Inmunoterapia del Cancer. Valencia (Spain).
Immunogenic cell death – From cells to patients (2018). SITC, 1st Cancer Immune Responsiveness Working Group Workshop. San Francisco (USA).
Targeted drug screening (autophagy and cell death) (2018). The Luke Heller TECPR2 Foundation, Luke Heller TECPR2 Foundation Symposium. Boston (USA).
Autophagy in cancer (immuno)therapy (2017). Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, 2º Titulo Experto en Inmunologia e Inmunoterapia del Cancer. Valencia (Spain).
Cell death – Basic concepts and ùcommon misconceptions (2017). Fundación para la Investigación del Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, 2º Titulo Experto en Inmunologia e Inmunoterapia del Cancer. Valencia (Spain).
Inside-Out – A story of intracellular stress and organismal homeostasis (2017). NAWI Graz Doctoral Schools, Doc Day ’17. Graz (Austria).
Stress, death, immunity and cancer therapy (2016). YTRB Network, Premier Symposium International des Jeunes Chercheurs en Biologie. Monastir (Tunisia).
Fundamental mechanisms of cell death and their links to the activation of an innate immune response against dying cells (2015). Umeå University, Cancer Foundation Planning Group for Oncological Radionuclide Therapy Meeting. Umea (Sweden).
Role of autophagy in autoinflammatory and autoimmune diseases (2013). University of Padova, 4th Symposium “Autoinflammation Days”. Padova (Italy).
Metabolic biomarkers in cancer (2011). Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, IGR&D Days. Paris (France).
Vitamin B6 metabolism affects CDDP-induced lung cancer cell death (2010). Nijmegen Centre for Molecular Life Sciences, New Frontiers in Bioenergetics 2010 Meeting. Nijmegen (The Netherlands).
Preclinical activity of BMS-514® monotherapy (2009). Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, Journées de Recherche de l’IGR. Saint Malo (France).
Triple C – A systems biology study of apoptosis (2007). INSERM, 5eme Journée Nouvelles Structures. Paris (France).
*Due to Covid19
- Mitochondria at the hub of cell death and immunity in irradiated cancer cells (2024). Department of Immunology and Oncology, Spanish National Center for Biotechnology. Departmental Seminar. Madrid (Spain).
- Effects of RT and chemotherapy on the tumor microenvironment (2024). SITC. Antibody-drug Conjugates (ADCs) Virtual Summit. (Virtual).
- A novel, radiotherapy actionable immunological mechanism of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+ breast cancer (2024). University of Sao Paulo and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Immunowebinars Series. (Virtual).
- Mitochondria at the hub of cell death and immunity in irradiated cancer cells (2024). Luxembourg Institute of Health. Cancer Research Lecture Series. Luxembourg City (Luxembourg).
- The mitochondria-caspase immune checkpoint regulates the immunogenicity of radiation (2024). VIB Inflammation Research Center. Institutional Seminar. Ghent (Belgium).
- Mitochondria at the hub of cell death and immunity in irradiated cancer cells (2024). Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane. Inflammation and Cancer Working Group Meeting. (Virtual).
- Immunogenic cell death – Mechanisms and implications for cancer therapy (2024). AbbVie. Institutional Seminar. Chicago (USA).
- A novel, radiotherapy actionable immunological mechanism of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+ breast cancer (2023). Martin Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg, Institutional Seminar. Halle (Germany).
- Cellular senescence and cancer therapy (2023). Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center, Meyer Cancer Center 360: Cancer and Aging. New York (USA).
- A novel, radiotherapy actionable immunological mechanism of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+ breast cancer (2023). Karolinska Institute, Institutional Seminar. Stockholm (Sweden).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2023). University of Padova, Undergraduate Program in Chemistry and Pharmacological Technology. (Virtual).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2023). Department of Radiation Oncology, WCMC, Departmental Seminar. New York (USA).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2023). Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Cell Biology Speaker Seminar Series. New York (USA).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+ breast cancer (2023). Luxembourg Institute of Health, Institutional Seminar. Luxembourg City (Luxembourg).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+ breast cancer (2023). University of the Basque Country, Institutional Seminar. Bilbao (Spain).
- Radiotherapy as a combinatorial partner for immunotherapy and targeted therapy in breast cancer (2023). University of Sevilla School of Medicine, Institutional Seminar. Sevilla (Spain).
- A novel, radiotherapy actionable immunological mechanism of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+ breast cancer (2023). Hospital del Mar Research Institute, Institutional Seminar. Barcelona (Spain).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in HR+ breast cancer (2023). SONATA Therapeutics, Institutional Seminar. Boston (USA).
- Mitochondrial apoptosis in the immune response to radiation therapy (2023). ROBIN, ROBIN Cross-Training Core Seminar Series. (Virtual).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2022). Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Departmental Seminar. (Virtual).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2022). Department of Pathology, Stony Brook University, Departmental Seminar. Stony Brook (USA).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2022). VIB Center for Cancer Biology, VIB Cancer Biology Lecture Series 2021-2022. Leuven (Belgium).
- Harnessing radiotherapy to boost the efficacy of (breast) cancer (immuno)therapy (2022). Department of Biology, University of Rome «Tor Vergata», Departmental Seminar. Rome (Italy).
- Harnessing radiotherapy to boost the efficacy of (breast) cancer (immuno)therapy (2022). University of Sevilla School of Medicine, Institutional Seminar. Sevilla (Spain).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2022). Washington University, Mechanism of Cancer Biology Program Seminar Series. St. Louis (USA).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2022). AstraZeneca, Pathology Grand Rounds. (Virtual).
- Immunogenic cell death – A contextual response to treatment with profound clinical implications (2022). Tufts Medical Cancer Center, Cancer Center Grand Rounds. (Virtual).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2021). Czech Academy of Science, Institutional Seminar. Prague (Czech Republic).
- Mitochondrial control of anticancer immune responses driven by radiation (2021). Montpellier Cancer Research Institute, Departmental Seminar. Montpellier (France).
- Autophagy modulation as an example of precision cancer (immuno)therapy (2021). François Hyafil Research Center, Departmental Seminar. Paris (France).
- Immunological mechanisms of resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer (2021). Division of Medical Oncology, University Hospital Modena and Reggio Emilia, Departmental Seminar. (Virtual).
- Mitochondrial DNA drives abscopal responses to RT that are inhibited by autophagy and caspases (2021). Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, Departmental Seminar. (Virtual).
- Autophagy modulation as an example of precision cancer (immuno)therapy (2021). Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Northwestern University, Departmental Seminar. (Virtual).
- Autophagy modulation as an example of precision cancer (immuno)therapy (2021). Department of Molecular Biosciences, University of Texas, Departmental Seminar. (Virtual).
- Stress, death and immunity in cancer therapy (2021). Indonesian Radiation Oncology Society, IROS CME Webinar: Keynote Series. (Virtual). Keynote
- Autophagy modulation as an example of precision cancer (immuno)therapy (2020). Department of Immunology, University of Toronto, Charles Gould Easton Seminar series. (Virtual).
- Die or live trying – Cellular agony in anticancer immunity (2020). Luxembourg Institute of Health, Lecture series in Cancer Research. (Virtual).
- ER+ BC: from a murine model to the clinic (2020). Experimental Therapeutics Research Program, Departmental Seminar. (Virtual).
- mtDNA drives abscopal responses to RT that are inhibited by autophagy and caspases (2020). VIB Center for Cancer Biology, VIB Cancer Biology Lecture Series 2020-2021. Leuven (Belgium). Cancelled*
- mtDNA drives abscopal responses to RT that are inhibited by autophagy and caspases (2020). Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Departmental Seminar. New York (USA). Cancelled*
- mtDNA drives abscopal responses to RT that are inhibited by autophagy and caspases (2020). Department of Medicine, WCMC, Departmental Seminar. New York (USA).
- mtDNA drives abscopal responses to RT that are inhibited by autophagy and caspases (2020). Institute of Biology and Experimental Medicine, Departmental Seminar. (Virtual).
- mtDNA drives abscopal responses to RT that are inhibited by autophagy and caspases (2020). Department of Pathology, Stony Brook University, Departmental Seminar. Stony Brook (USA). Cancelled*
- Radiotherapy palbociclib combinations for the treatment of HR+ BC (2020). Department of Pathology, WCMC, Departmental Seminar. (Virtual).
- Cancro – Cos’è e come si cura, quando si cura (2019). City of Zocca, Key to the City Award Ceremony. Zocca (Italy).
- How cancer cells die and why it matters (2019). Department of Dermatology, Yale Univesity School of Medicine, Departmental Seminar. New Haven (USA).
- Immunosurveillance of HR+ breast cancer – Prophylactic and therapeutic effects of nicotinamide (2019). Pediatrics Division, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Departmental Seminar. Houston (USA).
- Immunosurveillance of HR+ breast cancer – Prophylactic and therapeutic effects of nicotinamide (2019). Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Virginia, Departmental Seminar. Charlottesville (USA).
- Immunosurveillance of HR+ breast cancer – Prophylactic and therapeutic effects of nicotinamide (2019). Department of Immunology and Oncology, Spanish National Center for Biotechnology, Departmental Seminar. Madrid (Spain).
- mtDNA drives abscopal responses to RT that are inhibited by autophagy (2019). Czech Academy of Science, Institutional Seminar. Prague (Czech Republic).
- mtDNA, autophagy and caspases in abscopal responses (2019). SPORE Working Group, WCMC, SPORE Working Group Meeting. New York (USA).
- mtDNA, autophagy and caspases in abscopal responses (2019). Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, WCMC, Pulmonary & Critical Care Basic and Translational Research Conference. New York (USA).
- Autophagy and stress responses in cancer (immuno)therapy (2018). MCC Lung Cancer Program, MCC Lung Cancer Working Group Meeting. New York (USA).
- Autophagy, danger, death and immunity in cancer therapy (2018). Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Medicine, Rutgers University, Departmental Seminar. Newark (USA).
- Autophagy, danger, death and immunity in cancer therapy (2018). European Research Institute for the Biology of Aging (ERIBA), Institutional Seminar. Groningen (The Netherlands).
- Immunosurveillance of breast cancer (2018). Department of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova, Departmental Seminar. Padova (Italy).
- Stress, danger, death and immunity in cancer therapy (2018). Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, Institutional Seminar. Philadelphia (USA).
- Stress, death and immunity in cancer chemotherapy (2018). Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, Institutional Seminar. Barcelona (Spain).
- Immunogenic cell death at the interface between intracellular stress and organismal homeostasis (2017). Boehringer Ingelheim, Institutional Seminar. Vienna (Austria).
- Inside-Out – A story of intracellular stress and organismal homeostasis (2017). Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology, WCMC, Biomedical Science Reviews Seminar Series. New York (USA).
- Inside-Out – A story of intracellular stress and organismal homeostasis (2017). Centro de Investigacion Principe Felipe, Future Of Biomedical Research CIPF Lecture Series. Valencia (Spain).
- Inside-Out – A story of intracellular stress and organismal homeostasis (2016). Department of Radiation Oncology, WCMC, Departmental Seminar. New York (USA).
- Inside-Out – A story of intracellular stress and organismal homeostasis (2016). Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Departmental Seminar. Lisbon (Portugal).
- Stress, death and immunity in cancer chemotherapy (2016). EATI, EATI Seminar Series. Paris (France).
- Stress, death, immunity and cancer therapy (2016). Department of Radiation Oncology, WCMC, Departmental Seminar. New York (USA).
- Unsaturated fatty acids induce non-canonical autophagy (2015). University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Departmental Seminar. Nice (France).
- Detection of cell death – Tips and Tricks (2014). Department of Oncological Sciences, Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine, Departmental Seminar. New York (USA).
- Immunosurveillance mechanisms against cancer-associated hyperploidy (2013). International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Institutional Seminar. Trieste (Italy).
- Metabolic aspects of stress and chemotherapy resistance in cancer (2013). Department of Immunology, Christian-Albrechts University, Departmental Seminar. Kiel (Germany).
- Vitamin B6, stress and cancer (2012). Centre of Molecular Biosciences, Institutional Seminar. Graz (Austria).
- Vitamin B6, stress and cancer (2012). Graduate School in Pharmacology and Molecular Oncology, University of Ferrara, Departmental Seminar. Ferrara (Italy).
- Preclinical activity of BMS-514® monotherapy (2008). Department of Medicine, Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, Departmental Seminar. Paris (France).
*Due to Covid19
- Scientific Writing: Rules, Tips and Tricks (2024). Virgen Macarena University Hospital. Institutional Course. Sevilla (Spain).
- Scientific Writing: Rules, Tips and Tricks (2024). University of Zaragoza. Institutional Course. Zaragoza (Spain).
- Immunogenic vs non-immunogenic cell death and the regulation of adaptive cancer immunity (2023). Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, Cell Death and the Immune System Graduate Course. (Virtual).
- Scientific Writing: Rules, Tips and Tricks (2023). Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Institutional course. New York (USA).
- Scientific Writing: Rules, Tips and Tricks (2023). Luxembourg Institute of Health, Institutional course. Luxembourg City (Luxembourg).
- Scientific Writing: Rules, Tips and Tricks (2023). University of Sevilla School of Medicine, Institutional course. Sevilla (Spain).
- Scientific Writing: Rules, Tips and Tricks (2023). Martin Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg, Institutional course. Halle (Germany).
- Scientific Writing: Rules, Tips and Tricks (2023). University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Institutional course. Little Rock (USA).
- Scientific writing: Rules, tips and tricks (2022). CIMA, Cancer immunotherapy mechanisms in action – International Seminar. Pamplona (Spain).
- Scientific Writing: Rules, Tips and Tricks (2022). University of Rome «Tor Vergata», 2021-2022 Graduate Program in Cell & Molecular Biology. Rome (Italy).
- Scientific writing: Rules, tips and tricks (2022). WCMC Graduate School of Medical Science, 2021-2022 Graduate Program in Cell & Developmental Biology. New York (USA).
- Scientific writing: Rules, tips and tricks (2022). University of Sevilla School of Medicine, Institutional course. Sevilla (Spain).
- Why so many ways to die – Insights and recommendations from the NCCD (2022). University of São Paulo, Institute of Biomedical Sciences Molecular Control of Cell Death Course. (Virtual).
- Tolerogenic vs. immunogenic cell death (2021). University of São Paulo, Cell Death and the Immune System Graduate Course. (Virtual).
- Biomarkers in tumor immunology (2020). Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Postgraduate Course on Molecular Biomarkers and Technologies. (Virtual).
- Modulating autophagy as an example of precision cancer (immuno)therapy (2020). University of Tromso, Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer. Tromso (Norway). Cancelled*
- Stress, death and immunity in cancer therapy (2020). University of Tromso, Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer. Tromso (Norway). Cancelled*
- Stress, death and immunity in cancer therapy (2019). University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Undergraduate Program in Medical Biotechnology. Modena (Italy).
- Adaptation to stress and cell death – Basic concepts and common misconceptions (2018). University of Padova, Undergraduate Program in Chemistry and Pharmacological Technology. Padova (Italy).
- Immunological effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy (2017). University of Padova, Undergraduate Program in Chemistry and Pharmacological Technology. Padova (Italy).
- Types of neuronal cell death (2015). CIBERNED, Avances en neurobiología y enfermedades neurodegenerativas. Caceres (Spain).
- Autophagy and cancer (2014). Karolinska Institute, Autophagy in health and disease. Stockholm (Sweden).
- Regulation of autophagy (2014). Karolinska Institute, Autophagy in health and disease. Stockholm (Sweden).
- Apoptotic cell death – A controlled way of cellular implosion (2009). Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Biology of Cell Death Course (6th Edition). Lisbon (Portugal).
- Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for measuring cell death in higher eukaryotes (2009). Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Biology of Cell Death Course (6th Edition). Lisbon (Portugal).
- Apoptosis (2008). Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Biology of Cell Death Course (5th Edition). Lisbon (Portugal).
- Detection of cell death (2008). Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Biology of Cell Death Course (5th Edition). Lisbon (Portugal).
- Apoptosis (2007). Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Biology of Cell Death Course (4th Edition). Lisbon (Portugal).
- Detection of cell death (2007). Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Biology of Cell Death Course (4th Edition). Lisbon (Portugal).
*Due to Covid19